
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Old Money Vs. New Money

          In today's society enough money to support a single family is harder to come by. Just think about it. Sixty years ago, it only took one working person in a household to support a family with housing, food, and transportation, etc.... Oh my, have things changed. Today in most cases it takes two people in a household working to live an comfortable lifestyle. Even those of us that are single, are taking on roommates to help with the rising cost of just living day to day. One has to ask himself, is this the American Dream that our founding fathers had in mind when the Constitution was writing. I would think not, but they lived a long time ago. How could they have known this Great Nation would end up like this.

           As a young inexperienced man, I would often look to my father for wisdom. My father and I would sit on the the front porch in his twin rocking chairs, that I pretty sure are older than I am. While he smoked his pipe, and petting his dog.

           I recall one afternoon I visited my father and asked about, when he was a young man growing up in the country hills and back roads of Franklin Tennessee. Huh, my father said while lighting his pipe. What is it that you want to know? He said with a chess cat like smile. I explain with a little anger in my voice, that I was wanting to have children, someday, but I didn't want a child care professional raising my kids. My father asked me, "are you angry?" I told him not really, I am asking, how can I do like you and mom when us kids were young.

          He told me to take a seat. He began telling me about the good old days.  My father very much misses that time in his life. His father worked as a tracker driver on a farm. His mother stayed at home and, was there to care of his every need. His mother would make sure my father, uncle and, aunt did something everyday. My grandmother was very big on education. We have to read a lot. My father explained. But we always got to run and play outside when we finished.

          I said, but pop, how was it that grandma was able to stay at home with you guys? He told me that, this country took pride in saying, "Everyone that works hard will live the American Dream." And this was true, he said. He explained that his father worked hard to provide for his family. His mother worked hard to teach and care for the kids. I said, but pop, you and mom did the same with us. He said, yes we did.  He told me that at the time my sisters, brothers, and I were growing up, This country still took pride in working hard. My father asked me, if I knew that the company he worked for when I was a child still to this day cuts him a paycheck every month. I told him, no! He said, Son! I worked hard all my life, my father did the same, and his father the same, and none of our wives ever had to work to make ends meet. I explained to my father that I work hard and I can hardly prove for myself.  My father turned to me with a sparkle look in his eye. He asked me, Do you realize the world has changed. Yes! I said. Everything has gone up in cost, but the wages have stayed the same or lowered. So what can you do, he asked. I don't know, I explain. He said, that is what's wrong with a lot of people in the same situation you are.  He says, this country was built by hard workers, but thing have changed. He tells me. That I should have used my brain to figure out that at some point the hard stops. People are not working hard anymore. People are working Smart.

          My father goes on to tell me that the human brain has always been the most powerful thing of this planet. We are the dominating beings. We are the smartest. So, under God that make us King. He tells me use you brain to provide for you family, not your muscles. Staying true to my fathers words. I use my brain as much as I can, I am always learning. Always looking for the next best way. I read, I write, and I watch, my way into a better understanding to what ever it is I do. And what I do is Learn.

          My father worked hard, and long for the  money, he earned throughout his working years. He was fortunate enough to retire at the age of 62, but was still unable to get full benefits until he turned 65. Of course, those of us that were born after 1959 will not be able to retire until we are 67 years old. Why wait until than? Oh yeah, because we where trained from birth to do just that. Work all of your life, then depend on savings and the government to support us. This is not going to happen! First of all, there is not going to be any Social Security by then. So, don't count on that. Okay, but you still have you savings in the form of 401k right. Now, let me tell you the problems with that. Lets just say you manage to save a million dollars. Up front, putting funds in 401k is tax free, good right. Think again, when you retire, you will be taxed upon withdrawal. If taxes don't go up, you will be taxed the current rate at 35%. $350,000 off the top. So you have $650,000 left. That's still a lot of money right? Wrong! In 15 to 20 years due to inflation this $650,000 will have the spending power of about $455,000 compared to today's standard. So you will have less than half of the million you worked so hard to get.

          Lets take a look at what it will take to achieve that $1,000,000. If the company you work for matches 10% 401k contributions, and you put in 10% contributions, then you earn 10% on the stocks and bonds via 401k you will need to contribute at least $834 every month for 45 years. And then when you retire you have less than half that money. On top of that you may live for another 25 years. That is what old money is. Old money is when a person works hard, and long the earn a living. Old money is when a person goes to work and brings home a paycheck to pay bills, and then after you pay everyone else you keep what little is lift, and even then it not enough. Old money keeps you wanting, old money keeps you working, old money keeps you broke!

          The Industrial Age is over, people are no longer saying I need a nice job with benefits that I can go to everyday. They are no longer saying I will work 40 to 50 years for this company, and then when I retire they will take good care of me. This type of thing is not happening anymore. Companies stopped caring for the retired employees a long time ago. Industrial workers are no longer on the higher end of the pay scale. The money is no longer paid to the labor intensive worker. It is now paid to the new young guy that is using technology and internet marketing to grow business.

          Today we are in The Information Age. This is new money, where information is king, and it is right at everyone's finger tips. Today the top earners in the world are not the labor driven companies. They are the tech companies, like Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Oprah  the smart ones that hands still feels like a babies butt.  These examples of new money, all offer information. 

           Automation is what makes new money come to life. For example; If you can think of some information that can make someones life a little better. Put a price on it . Then deliver it to people without having to be there to give it to them. Make it where it does this 24 hours a day 7 days a week. YES!  That is the key to new money. You do the work one time, automate it, then go on vacation. 

          Of course, the internet is tested, and proven to be the best place to automate your information for profit. I myself do it, as you may see by looking at this page.  I always try to make it a point to let everyone know what it is that I am doing. I created this page for two reasons. 

1. I like writing. I write mostly with pen and paper that's why you don't see a lot of posts here yet. Yes, I write all of my content. No copying and pasting here. Original content is always better to me, because I don't ever want anyone to say that I am fake. 

2. I want to sell you information. I do not sell my own information. I give mine away. I always sell someone else's product. Every product; I buy and test every product that I promote on my blogs. If I buy and test a product, and It doesn't prove to works. If it doesn't teach me anything, I do not promote it. 

All products I promote are Internet Business Information Based.     

This Product belongs to a guy named Eric Holmlund, and his two partners. But I don't know there names because I just didn't pay that much attention to them. It being Eric that is doing the videos. Eric's product teaches you How to get Free Domains, Free Hosting, Free Content, Free Pictures, and Most Importantly Free Traffic. And like I said I test and prove every product I buy. 

You know, I know how to do this stuff too. But I'm no teacher. 


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